Laughter in the workplace

“Ten years from now you'll laugh at whatever's stressing you out today.  So why not laugh now?” — Tony Robbins

Workplace Wellness

In today’s competitive business world, Laughter Yoga is an ideal addition for employee wellness.  This single exercise promotes physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


Laughter Yoga reduces stress, boosts morale, enhances productivity and creativity, improves focus, fosters teamwork, and, most important, is a lot of fun!


It’s perfect for team-building events, conference kickoffs, meeting breaks, or ongoing wellness programs.

Perfect event addition

Inclusive -  Everyone can participate.  Participants can be seated or standing.  Events can be in person, online, or hybrid.


No equipment necessary - The "yoga" part of Laughter Yoga is yogic breathing, which does not require any special equipment or advanced techniques.


No special clothing required – you can participate in conference attire, business casual, or any type of outfit.


Convenient to incorporate into your schedule – sessions can range from just ten minutes to over an hour.


Quick Results & Cost Effective: Laughter Yoga reduces stress and increases happy hormones immediately.  Just ten minutes of laughter exercise can energize the entire group for the rest of the day.


Creativity: Engaging in playful laughter stimulates the brain’s creative centers, leading to more innovative thinking, new ideas, and insights.


Performance & Efficiency: Laughter not only acts as a stress reliever but also enhances mental clarity, leading to higher productivity and better decision-making.

More Benefits...

Team Building: Laughter Yoga unites employees through shared laughter, boosting morale and fostering teamwork, trust, and collaboration.


Boosted Morale: Happy employees tend to be more productive and this practice fosters a positive and uplifting atmosphere, contributing to an overall better work environment.


Focus & Productivity: A Laughter Yoga session invigorates both body and mind, boosting energy levels and enhancing focus for improved productivity.


Resilience: Laughter Yoga fosters a positive mindset and encourages employees to tackle challenges with a more lighthearted approach.

Health Benefits & Cost Savings

Health Benefits:  Regular laughter sessions can bolster the immune system, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and enhance overall health.   Even a ten minute laughter session significantly reduces stress, increases happy hormones and generates immune boosting chemicals.


Stress Reduction: Stress can lead to burnout, decreased productivity and an overall negative work atmosphere.  Laughter Yoga is a fast and effective method for reducing stress.   Studies show that just thirty minutes of laughter can reduce stress by up to 65%.


Cost Savings: By fostering a healthy workplace and lowering long term health risks, Laughter Yoga can contribute to a reduction in health related costs for both the employee and the organization.

Program options & Opportunities

A Laughter Yoga session is a surefire way to energize any meeting or conference.  Custom programs are available to fit your needs – be it a team meeting, corporate retreat, conference or small group motivational sessions.  Even a one-time laughter event can have lasting positive effects for your employees.

  • Ice Breaker Session – 10-20 minutes
  • Full Session – 35-50 minutes
  • Extended session – 75-90 minutes.  A full session with extra laughter exercises, additional science "tid bits", breathing, and meditation.  Includes a Q&A period.
  • All day conference packages – offer laughter yoga mini-sessions throughout the day to help employees keep energy levels high, creative juices flowing, stress low and foster a positive environment.