Discovering Laughter Yoga:
My Journey Beyond Code

As a computer programmer, I always wore a unique hue of “techy” - I craved social interaction and collaboration.


Outside of work, I stumbled upon a delightful revelation: working with children infused my life with a special kind of joy. Why? Because being goofy and sharing laughter with kids is invigorating—they have a natural affinity for simply enjoying life.


Did you know they laugh 30-40 times more per day than we adults do?


And did you realize that the four elements of joy — playing, dancing, laughing, and singing — are perfectly embodied by these little ones? Kids truly have it figured out.

Unearthing Laughter Yoga:
My Unexpected Path

After a rough number of years, where I wasn't laughing or playing much at all, I started to live again.  Grappling with what to do next, I sent this question through an Artificial Intelligence program: 


“I want to dance, laugh, play and bring joy to others.  What can I do for a living?”


The AI’s response was a curious mix. One suggestion stood out:


“Become a laughter yoga instructor.”


A WHAT?!?  How did I not already know about this?  I immediately started researching.  I found Dr. Kataria and Laughter Yoga international.  As I was absorbing as much as I could from the website, I noticed there was a laughter session coming up…in three minutes!  I hopped on and was hooked.  Laughter was the last piece in the puzzle.  It brightened everything.  Over the following months, my smile returned, the cloud lifted, and the lingering shadows of my depression and anxiety melted away.


It is now my goal to bring this light to others. 🌟